Everyone could use a personal assistant

Sam is your dedicated email assistant that helps automate your life.

Message Sam About

From work to pleasure Sam has great suggestions

Restaurant Reviews

Sam has excellent taste and can help you find the perfect restaurants in your city. Ask Sam for recommendations including your favorite types of food to get great repsonses.

Product Recommendations

Sam knows all about everything you want to know. Ask Sam for the top features of whatever product you are interested in.

Email Support

You received send a long email that you can’t be bothered to read. Forward to Sam and ask Sam to summarize the key points.


What do people have to say about Sam?


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Message Sam for free

πŸ“§ 5 messages/month
⚑ Standard Response Speed
βœ”οΈ Basic Features


$10 / mo

Great for the pro user

πŸ“§ 100 messages / month
⚑ Super Response Speed
πŸ“ Longer responses


Contact Us

Get Sam for your company

πŸ“§ Unlimited messages / month
πŸ§‘ Sam@[yourcompany.com]
🎧 Professional Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Sam make appointments for me?

Not yet! But this is on our roadmap. Reach out to Product@MessageSam.com for more roadmap requests.

Sam's answers dont make sense

If you find that Sam gave you an inaccurate response please forward to our support team at Support@MessageSam.com

Can Sam handle follow up questions?

This feature is coming soon!

Can Sam walk my dog?

No Sam is an AI system that only lives in your computer. Sam has no phyiscal body or connection to the outside world

Is Sam just a person rapidly typing on a computer?


How does Sam work?

For any other questions please reach out